was anybody there... ?
Happy New Year
WW 8th February 2006
Twenty five years
Twenty five years
Surely, surely you would know someone after twenty five years
Sharing those intimate moments
Locked together in tight corners
Seeing those eyes between piles of empty pints
But no,
Deep, deep within his bosom a worm is eating away
A worm eating away at all his decency
On the outside the same
Cheery bloke
Hale fellow well met
Inside a burning desire
A desire to seek out the weak
Seek out the faint hearted
Seek out those who are different
Those who are not like him
Him, who seemed to be so…
And then
Out of nowhere
The list
Were you on the list
Will you be on the list
Who knows
Take care, it could be you!
WW 22nd February 2006
A walk for the bold and cold and select few on the darkest night I can remember for some time.
A black woollen glove whipped away by the wind but tracked down by the peerless moorland scavenger.
A will o' the wisp gateway.
A huddle of bemused military Dutch with warpaint (and caps) clinging onto the White Tor standing stone.
John(Your usual correspondent is on leave - so I can mention the Cull without the fetters of his namby-pamby, pinko, bleeding-heart liberal sentimentality. It will strike soon. When you least expect it. With ruthless precision. Without pity and with an ice-cold logic. Beware slackers and sliders. Your days are numbered. Love, John
A black woollen glove whipped away by the wind but tracked down by the peerless moorland scavenger.
A will o' the wisp gateway.
A huddle of bemused military Dutch with warpaint (and caps) clinging onto the White Tor standing stone.
John(Your usual correspondent is on leave - so I can mention the Cull without the fetters of his namby-pamby, pinko, bleeding-heart liberal sentimentality. It will strike soon. When you least expect it. With ruthless precision. Without pity and with an ice-cold logic. Beware slackers and sliders. Your days are numbered. Love, John
WW 13th December 2006
Wonderful company
Wonderful walks
Wonderful views
Wonderful singing
Party next week
WW 6th December 2006
Global warming, drought ...
They're having a laugh
We were there
And it was coming down like the Christmas post
Talking of which
Yes, he really was there
And, on balance he was quite happy - for him
Singing next week
Bruin promises to come!
So don't be late
WW 4th October 2006
Some people decided that they would have an evening off from money grubbing and get out for a walk with their mates.
Nice to see that decent values are not all lost.
We had both sorts out – which made a change.
Interesting hike with many highlights.
The cowboys certainly added a swing to the evening
PS just realised I am sat here at work in a check shirt – how did that happen? Oops!
WW 11th October 2006
Is it a science or an art?
The scientists claim that planning is 80% preparation, 20% perspiration and 10% retaliation; although they note that the components and proportions may be wrong.
The artists claim that planning is a construct that reveals to others the journey they would have made if they had been there or could remember it.
We all know what planning is don’t we!
So, it’s great when a plan comes together; you just have to be there.
Sunny weekend ahead
WW 18th October 2006
But they weren’t
But if they had of been…
We did ask, but no
Still we had a nice walk and,
It was nice to think what it would have been like if they had been
On balance, better that they weren’t
WW 25th October 2006
Confidence is a great asset
As is an inerring sense of direction
It helps if you have a load of sheep to lead
Who neither know where they are or care where they are going
In fact they are most interested in puddles
But, there is a limit
Even they notice when they ascend the same tor twice in 10 minutes
But still
No matter
At least we were there
Where were you?
At least two of our collegaues are poorly at the moment - they are excused the cull, for a bit!
Take care - he has new boots that don't squeak
WW 1st November 2006
There is nothing like a dark walk in the pouring rain and this really was nothing like it.
What wonderful views.
What wonderful company.
Aren't we a lucky lot.
You really do have to be there.
WW 8th November 2006
Lights and bushels
I guess it is all about lights and bushels
Some people have lots of lights and lots of bushels
Some probably have fewer bushels than lights
Many might not know how many lights and bushels they have
But surely the more lights and the fewer bushels the better
So, why should you worry when they start getting the lights out?
I don't know - but you do
WW 15th November 2006
Jekyll and Hyde
Shape shifting lizards
Curse of the were Billy
There really must be two of them
The way they swop places is incredible
The old Billy - let's plodge up and down in the shrieking wind and rain, seems to be slowly being replaced by a new far more scary Billy who eschewes all challenges. 'Ooh it might be a bit windy up there best not go...'
So, what is going on? - I blame all that namby pamby, wishy washy, public schooly, let's all pull together mush called Gigging - whatever it is.
Rubbish walk next week - I wouldn't bother
WW 22nd November 2006
For many years top scientists have endeavoured to quantify the pleasures of walking on a Wednesday evening.
For over 25 years Keene (2006) has taken a qualitative approach in which this poor saddo with little to do has earnestly recorded every footfall on the moor.
Fortunately others have taken a more quantitative approach. These can be summarised as:
Yosser (1993) WWQuaC=(120-m)*pq where m is the time of the walk in minutes and pq is a measure of pub quality
Raz (1997) WWQuaC=(pp*pp)+h where pp is participant pain and h the time of the walk in hours
Scrivener S., Stacey Norris H. and Sturmer J. (1999) WWQuaC=vc*gc where vc is the volume of chat and gc is the girly count
Worsey N. (2002) WWQuaC=wq*ns where wq is the whinge quotient and ns is the number of people the whinging can be shared with
Steevenson (2004) WWQuaC=so*pp where so is the sales opportunities and pp the number of people present
Balment (2006) WWQuaC=nw/ga where nw is the number of walks allocated to be organised and ga is the number given away for others to do.
Stacey-Norris W. (2005) WWQuaC-qv*ns*nc where qv is the quality of the views, ns is the nice things seen and nc is the number of nice chats engaged in
Last night afforded a new opportunity to formulate WWQuaC, the detailed analysis of the evening revealed that; Hughes J. and Coupland J. (2006)
WWQuaC=(100-wq)/((pp*pp)+1) where wq is the weather quotient on a scale of 1- what a lovely summers evening for a short bimble to 10-Oh my god I am not going out in that. pp is the number of people present.
Last nights walk gave a WWQuaC of 19.4. It would have been enhanced by even worse weather and fewer people turning up – two fewer would have been ideal.
So, what us up with all you wimpy lot? Don’t forget that a misery shared is a misery doubled!
WW 29th November 2006
Oh to be a Whitty Boy
Now that winter’s here
And where’ere he walks on Dartmoor
Sees, sights not gone before
That the joyfulness of company, and the lowslung briefs
Round the moor he bimbles and sings his jolly tune
While the call of the alehouse sings out its loud Huarrah
To the Whitty – now!
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You really do have to be there ...
- WW 27th December 2006
- WW 20th December 2006
- WW 4th January 2006
- WW 11th January 2006
- WW 18th January 2006
- WW 25th January 2006
- WW 1st February 2006
- WW 8th February 2006
- WW 15th February 2006
- WW 22nd February 2006
- WW 1st March 2006
- WW 8th March 2006
- WW 15th March 2006
- WW 22nd March 2006
- WW 29th March 2006
- WW 5th April 2006
- WW 12th April 2006
- WW 19th April 2006
- WW 26th April 2006
- WW 3rd May 2006
- WW 10th May 2006
- WW 17th May 2006
- WW 24th May 2006
- WW 31st May 2006
- WW 7th June 2006
- WW 14th June 2006
- WW 21st June 2006
- WW 28th June 2006
- WW 5th July 2006
- WW 12th July 2006
- WW 19th July 2006
- WW 26th July 2006
- WW 2nd August 2006
- WW 9th August 2006
- WW 16th August 2006
- WW 23 August 2006
- WW 30th August 2006
- WW 6th September 2006
- WW 13th September 2006
- WW 20th September 2006
- WW 13th December 2006
- WW 6th December 2006
- WW 27th September 2006
- WW 4th October 2006
- WW 11th October 2006
- WW 18th October 2006
- WW 25th October 2006
- WW 1st November 2006
- WW 8th November 2006
- WW 15th November 2006
- WW 22nd November 2006
- WW 29th November 2006