WW 26th November 2008

What can I say?


WW 19th November 2008


Always nice to know

That things do not change

The welcome

Stays the same

The same

Considerate and inclusive

New person arrives

Straight up Brat Tor


What else would you have us do?

WW 12th November 2008

"Ploddin' to Nodden

Then to Gren

And a stop at the top


Then by leaps and bounds

Back to the Fox and Hounds.

Very nice!

WW 5th November 2008

The things you see and don't see

I guess it is all there or not

depending whether or not you look

so there you are

was it White Tor?

Doesn't look

much like it to me

but there again

what do I know?

You really do have to be there ...
