WW 10th December 2008

Lots of us, bowling along in a snug little coach.

Through the cold, dark night.

Picking up friends with dewdrops on their noses.

Going to a new venue.

(Some things do change.)

Eating and drinking well.

All jumbled up together cosily.

Happy yet a bit sad.

(Some things do change.)


WW 3rd December 2008

It's nearly winter - almost.

Very dark and cold.

Slithery tyres on the road to the Scout Hut.

Gloves and hats.

Crackly puddles on the Eylesbarrow track.

"I'm not going to the Royal Oak down the steep Marchant's Cross hill. No way!"

Draw your own beer from a gazebo for £1.50 a pint.

A good, nearly-winter, Wednesday night.

You really do have to be there ...
