WW 25th February 2009

Well no, even more new faces.
A full Baker's Dozen.
No doubt all due to
the truly excellent standards of leadership.
So with postcodes to the fore
off we set.
Windy Post, Staple Tors, Roos for tea
Cox Tor and down to the Dartmoor Inn,
and no, they neither hid nor hoovered.
Just lots of nice beer.
Bays wherever that comes from.

WW 18th February 2009

How many?
Can it be?
Must be a very special walk
and it was
Once again two clear choices
a) show the throng the delights of Dartmoor
or b) take them on a trek through fuzz bushes,
up hill and down gullies
pretend to get lost
find a way to somewhere
and get back again.
That should sort them out!
So, how many?
Yes there really were sixteen.
Must be a record.
Bet we'll be back to the hard core pretty soon!

WW 11th February 2009

Well, just made it
Clearly there was great concern
that all the snow would be gone before we got back
But no, by running round we just managed
to find enough to stomp in.
Dartmoor Inn in darkness so on to the Whitty.
The boys were greeted with glee by a bevy of barmaids
only too pleased to exchange the briefest of smiles for
great wodges of dosh.

WW 4th February 2009

The hardy three made it as far as Princetown
to find it in deep snow and freezing
so what did they do?
what do you think?
Did they ...
a) very sensibly get out their maps and compasses to plot a course
or b) bimble off into the snow until they got lost and then make up where they were and the way back?
via South Hessary, the famous trig point, Cramber and Hart Tor to the PoW.

You really do have to be there ...
