WW 29th September 2010

Quite a gathering at Norsworthy Bridge
to set off on a quiet evening
as the light gently subsides
up past Spaceship Tor and on towards Down
round to the track
to Cuckoo Rock
the slight path down to Combeshead Farm
potato cave and campsite
before crossing the stream
up to Yellowmead Down underneath Sheepstor
down to the Arboretum
the cars and the Royal Oak.

WW 22nd September 2010

As the nights slowly draw in
And the weather forecast warns of heavy rain
Only the few will venture forth
Into the mist and cloud
Onward and upward
Guided only by map and compass
Finding their way
Unerringly to Arms and Great Links

Then as the rain clears
And the skies lift
Out to the tramway in the shadow of Great Nodden
Round and back
To pick off yet one more summit
Before heading back
To Frank's friendly place

For a cool draught
Then, predictably, the heavens open
For the drive home

WW 8th September 2010

From Warren House Inn to an old 'oven' and then to Fernworthy.
Below the dam and all the way round the reservoir.
We stumbled on a lonely toad.
With a clear sky a low planet like a torch through the trees and the odd shooting star.
Back through the forest to the pub.

WW 1st September 2010

So out we set in brilliant sunshine
Up onto the moor and round just by Simon Tor
to make our way to Brown's House as the light left
then round over Broad Down before returning down the dark track
to the cars and to the PoW

You really do have to be there ...
