WW 27th October 2010

A dark and misty night beckoned
Us out to a busy Four Winds
Striking out south the brook was crossed
And a steady climb led to King's Tor
Down again to the railway now disused
And round to pick up the tramway past Foggintor
Then up and up to the whistle of the wind
At North Hessary Tor and a welcome break

Then carefully Hollow Tor was passed
Now to the cars and on to the Whitty
Where round our table we gathered

WW 20th October 2010

on quite a fair evening
a fair number of folk
set out fairly quickly from Two Bridges
carefully round Beardown Tors to avoid the firing
as tracers fairly swished around
but they had no fear
as they gaily crossed the fairly fast flowing Dart
fairly steeply up to Longaford
then a fair way along the ridge
to Littaford and fairly swiftly to the cars
fair enough then

WW 13th October 2010

A windly twindly walk out of Lydford
Led us across Fernworthy Down
And out onto the open moor
The cars were streaming back from Goosey fair
As we set off up Arms Tor
On a clear evening
Before heading down, down
Some over some through the prickles
Past Frank's House
To make our way to the Castle Inn
No quiz night tonight
We settled into the settles
For a few beers

WW 6th October 2010

Well all I can say is it better be good
After all they have made a right mess
All over our lovely Moor
And there better had be
Lots of mud in the film
Because they made enough.
Our walk was a lot, lot better
You really had to concentrate
Or you would have missed so much
So much information
So much knowledge
So much deeper understanding of the past
So, so much to learn
Perhaps if I listened a bit more
I would learn a bit more.

You really do have to be there ...
