WW 26th January 2011

A very gentle walk from Pork Hill car park to Lower Staple Tor, along the top to Great Staple Tor then down across the leat to the River Walkham.
An easy river crossing and then up and up and up and up through the clitter to the top of Great Mis Tor leaving one or two of us just ever so slightly puffed out.
A short break and then down again, back across the river, over the barbed wire fence and through a boggy bit. Back over the ridge and on to the pub.

WW 19th January 2011

and there it was
right there
right down there
from nowhere
a complete
just sitting there
where it should not be
how long had it been there
and how long will it be there
and will it still be there
when it has gone

WW 12th January 2011

Combestone Tor on a wet, wild and windy winter's night
The distant crosses to the south
Ryder's and possibly Snowdon
Venford Reservoir
Was anyone there to see it?
And if not, was it there?

WW 5th January 2011

So, a brand New Year
all fresh and shiny
with not a mark on it.
On our way what do we meet
a man training his malamutes
well what else do you expect.
Out onto the welcoming moor
now all wet and squidgy again
after all that white and cold.
So out and round we go
to the familiar places
we know so well.
And back to The Rock
for a pint or even two
and perhaps the odd crisp.
Trying to remember
how it used to be

in times gone past.
And now even this day
is in the past
just a memory.

You really do have to be there ...
