WW 30th March 2011

So after the long winter we started our walk in daylight again! To lead us Stella had returned after a period of recuperation. Out from the Fox and Hounds and down to the ford. Up then on a direct line to Brat Tor and then across to Doe Tor where the light was fading fast. Next we followed the Doetor Brook stopping at Foxholes tinners hut for a break and then up to Dick's Well. By now the cloud had come in and we had some light rain. Back to the pub via Arms Tor

WW 23rd March 2011

A timely trek
as promised
in such familiar places
but there is always something new
to catch your eye or ear
just what is that whistling?
so round we went
to Cramber and Hart
on a starlit evening
soon it will be light
and everything will change
once again
just like it always will.

WW 16th March 2011

Always nice to have an adventure
especially if it is the sort
that quietly creeps up on you
all just pootling along
by the light of the shiny moon
in such familiar places
places which we know
like the backs of our hands
where we can roam freely
not paying any particular attention
not really needing a torch
then quite slowly
you realise
you are not totally sure where you are
you are not quite sure where anyone else is
you are not sure if you are going up
or down
just as slowly
it all comes together

WW 9th March 2011

To Postbridge we went
to explore most all the tracks
in, out and around the woods.
To be precise
we went out along there
then turned and up that narrow track
then out onto the open moor
saw lots of lights
headed up the Tor
then down again
along the wall
through the gate
along the forest ride
to a muddy track
up and over
past where we hear the sound
down the other side
and back along
down, down
to the cars.
Then to the PoW.

WW 2nd March 2011

So, just after leaving the cars we stopped for a brief moment to 'Paws' on the newly repaired Norsworthy Bridge. Repaired presumably after the sides had been demolished by lorries removing the stricken larch trees. The good news is that there are also new signs each side of the bridge warning that the bridge is narrow so this shouldn't happen again.

From here we went into what appeared to be Fairyland with a toadstool and small chair constructed from whole a tree trunk by a very clever plastic tree surgeon who had made good the deformities of the normal tree lines of tall trunk and branches.

After this we went up past Lower Lowery where the ruined former farm now has metal railing gates to keep out the unwanted. However, if they were clever and fit enough they could still get in by scaling the walls and going in over the top where the roof used to be.

Up then to the old railway track and along to Burrator rocks for a break - much colder up here in the wind. Next, down to the road to see the artificial waterfall below the leat and down past Burrator lodge where the old road used to go where the reservoir is now. Back to the cars along the side of the reservoir and off to the Royal Oak

You really do have to be there ...
