WW 28th March 2012

It is understood that a party ventured out in the light to Dicks Well and then on towards Chat before heading around and under Brat and back.

WW 21st March 2012

Well there are always things out there to be found if you look and some to be found if you fall over them not that we did. This on Littaford Tor, according to Hemery, is a natural cave, over 12 feet long and 3 feet wide. So we set out from Two Bridges on a fine starry evening as the light left us. Over Littaford to Longaford. Watching the planets flash their strobes as they transited the sky. Down to the weir to find shelter from the cooling breeze for a warming cup. Then up Beardown Tors to the muddy track past the farm and back to the cars. No more to find welcome and shelter in the Two Bridges bar so on to the PoF for a pint and mandatory crisps before heading home.

WW 14th March 2012

Our leader would have loved this walk - if only he had turned up. Let's hope he doesn't forget to go to John O'Groats. So an excellent unplanned walk by committee. First one local chap led them up and over Gutter Tor. The new bloke from Plymouth commanded the route to Ditsworthy Warren House (no warhorse at home) then yet another led them up the path to the stone row, and a fourth took the initiative to Higher Harter Tor. Coffee taken under the planets watching Venus and Jupiter getting so close that they could soon collide. Someone set off first and found the way to the old Eylesbarrow mine house ruin and then it was one long group charge down the path for an early fireside pint at the Royal Oak where the ceiling has been put back - almost.

We six were there, but HE was not. So it was a walk by committee: Gutter Tor, Ditsworthy Warren, up to that big standing thing and the line of stones in the dark and on into the the biting wind to shelter behind HigherHarttor Tor- Tor - Tor for coffee. Then back to Eylesbarrow and down the track to the log fire at The Royal Oak. Where were you ?

WW 7th March 2012

It was one of those strange nights when, for no particular reason apart from the amount of ground to be covered, a fair pace was set. Bellever Tor, Laughter Tor, the Youth Hostel and the Nightjar territory passed in something of a blur. Not so fast that the amazing moonlight went unnoticed though and torches were off for half the journey. Back to the P.O.W for the debrief and the usual refreshment.

You really do have to be there ...
