WW 31st July 2013

Oh dear me. And it all seemed to be going so well. On a perfect Dartmoor evening. Lovely enveloping mist ensuring that all the delights emerge gently. Out from the stated place and up to Little Trowlesworthy past the cheesy rock to Great. Along to Spanish Lake to follow the old leat out and then up to Hen Tor. A nice cuppa before heading down the track to the ford at Ditsworthy. Managing to find the sheep trods to cross the Plym again and back to the cars. Down to the the Royal Oak for a rather late pint. 

But no, total disaster, abject misery, there, what would we find, but three poor souls who had been left behind, left behind to wander the fishing pools desperately trying to find a friend, any friend, before they had to retreat to the pub, there all they could do to console themselves was to drink so much beer they were reduced to drinking coffee.
What can you say ...

WW 24th July 2013

And it is said that on this evening only two brave souls ventured forth from Manaton to enjoy the delights of a warm evening on the moor.

WWW 24th July 2013

Another hot day and superb weather as we set off up the track past Dunnabridge Pound to the Brimpts North Tin Mine. Once this was a place with lots of activity and an information board tells of a  shaft going down 30 metres.  We changed direction towards Huckaby Tor and then headed to the mine trail within the woods around Brimpts Farm.  We came out in the valley of the East Dart River and the track took us down to the first set of stepping stones.  Into the hamlet of Babeny and across to the second set of stepping stones by Laughter Hole House.  Up through the trees and back to the start - a lovely leisurely stroll.

WW 17th July 2013

Another glorious evening, clear views, dry underfoot and hot.  We went out through the woods and into the grassy bit which runs between. Up to Bellever Tor on the dry and dusty track that is usually wet and muddy.  Then looped around and back into the forest, past a group of children having fun and past the cutest and tiniest foal to the appointed place to listen for the Night Jars.  Did we see and hear them - well you had to be there to know that!

WW 10th July 2013

Well, there really cannot be that many evenings like that. Hot, hot, hot. No mist, rain, dark or mizzle. Just sun, sun, sun. So out from Top Tor car park in a strong breeze. Quite a few people wandering about, amazed at a hot, clear, sunny Dartmoor evening. Down to Top Tor and on up to Pil. Past Blackslade Ford to peep at William's Well. Well guarded by a lovely new wall, super high tensile barbed wire and a bull. Down to that odd stand of trees at Ruddycleave Bridge and more beautiful new walls. Across the common to the Beacon passing all those bound stones. The Ten Commandments Stones were hard to read as the sun gently set behind them. Amazing views across Holne Chase, to Princetown, Combestone and Ryder's where we were in the mist only a week ago. Back following the stones and to a very busy Rugglestone. 

Sunny, warm evenings; we will miss them when they are gone.

WWW 10th July 2013

Hot or what?
What weather
Goodness only knows
Nearly makes your blood boil
Got to do
So out from High Down
In a very strong Easterly
Straight up Brat
What else?
Then down 
Doe Tor brook
Wander up though the workings
To Dick's
Bleak House
No cuppa
A cooling draught
Dunna Goats
To that elusive pond
Great Links
Stepping Stones over the 
Not much water flowing
And back
To the Dartmoor Inn
Which was ...
Very welcoming
If a bit above our station.

WW 3rd July 2013

Just what is it about the moor? That makes it just so... Well it could be the contrasts in scale. From the very small, to the wide open, mysterious views. Certainly this evening we were treated to both. Out from Venford, quite mild but still feeling the need for a sweater. Round Venford and the sight of a Labyrinth Spider emerging from its lair. Then through all the workings heading south west. Just how did people shift all that earth with picks, shovels and wheel barrows? Over the top and down though the cotton grass to Hapstead Ford - always a delightful corner of the moor. A swift cuppa sheltering from the breeze then following the workings west up to Mardle Head and on to Ryder's Hill. The soft mist gently enveloped us as we wound our way back to the cars. Rather late so swiftly to the welcoming Forest Inn. 

You really do have to be there ...
