WW 28th January 2015

It seems as though change might be coming. Quite calm at Pork Hill but what would happen? Out, suitably deviously, to Roos where it did manage to snow. Proper snow with snowflakes that hit the ground. A strong westerly so round to find the wall by Godsworthy and for some a trip to Cox to admire the view. Down and back to the cars and on to the Whitty. Where a goodly gathering gathered and pondered and discussed.

WWW 28th January 2015

A taste of winter to come perhaps. It did rain and it did blow but it could not quite snow. Fully donned out from High Down. And, up to Great Nodden to test the wind - yes, it was windy. The rain splashed through as some took an early cuppa in the workings. Up to Gren and along the ancient trackway to Hunt. Clearing out encouraged the team to Great Links for a second cuppa then down to Arms, across the stepping stones to the cars.

WW 21st January 2015

Well, that's more like it, something we could, and should, get accustomed to. A Chesterfield, a proper Chesterfield with a pint in hand. What better way to conclude a most pleasant evening?

Out from Hexworthy on a clear evening with just a gentle breeze and the stars, the stars. Up the old track to Skir Ford then on to the head of Skir Gut - still no sign of my whistle. Out to the Ter Hill crosses with the North Hessary mast guiding the way. To Mount Misery, always dramatic. For a nice cuppa and time to work out the constellations. Down the wall to the Wheal Emma leat - just which way is up? Down to the Swincombe and on to Fairy Bridge which certainly isn't. Up the road as the frost started to form and past Gobbett Tin Mine to the cars.

And, on to the Two Bridges; very welcoming and suitably well above our station: little change from a twenty!

WW 14th January 2015

Well you wouldn't would you?
I mean it really was not fit.
You would probably be prosecuted if you did.
Send a dog out in that, in that!
After all the weather ladyman had said.
Not to go out in it.
And yet they did
And they took two of them with them
So out from Long Ash
And down, down to the bridge where the river roared.
By the banks to see the Winter Moth
And on past the waterfall
To Double Waters
And, of course, Big Pool for a cuppa
Then up, up and up
And back along to the cars
To the Rock
And, actually, as ever, it was very, very nice
Even the dogs enjoyed it
So there!

WWW 14th January 2015

Crunch, crunch, crunch - yes it really was crunch, crunch, crunch. After a bit of plodge, plodge, plodge: this is Dartmoor. Sun shining and a lovely covering of fresh snow. Out from Lydford and round the tracks to Fernworthy Down. The whole side of the snowy moor set out in front of us.  Past the Fox, past the Fox and out for a cuppa to enjoy the view. Round and across the field to High Down. We found the sun stone again, then back past Frank's to Lydford and a welcoming Castle Inn. Lovely to be out in and on the snow.

WW 7th January 2015

A walk for the discerning, the connoisseur, the true Dartmoor aficionado. Brisworthy Plantation, a good place to start on such a superb evening. Just the place to find shelter to don waterproofs. Round the trees and out to the stone circle,  over Legis Lake and round to the top of Legis Tor. There the full effect could be gained. Onwards and outwards to Ditsworthy Warren where shelter can always be found for a cuppa. To Edward's Path and the Scout Hut, some signs of energetic internal repairs were evident. Up to Gutter Tor and back along the beautiful track to Ringmoor Cott. Such a perfect route in a full westerly storm to winkle out any weak-spots in gear. To the cars and the Royal Oak. They soon all turned up and entertained us. Once we could even pick out a tune!

You really do have to be there ...
