WW 27th April 2016

And verily
Forth they went
Out and beyond
Over the tor
To be cleansed
And cleansed they were
As it is
And should be
Having been cleansed
They strode the clappers
Out to Kes
To admire the basins
And receiveth a cuppa
To Middle
Having been cleansed
They strode the mire
Without a murmur
To the Long Stone
To follow
The stone row
And back
By the stone circle
Whence they tarried
And, having tarried
Ventured on
Into the darkness
To the most wonderful
The hostelry of hostelries
Where they supped
And then headed home
Whether they returneth we know not

TWW 26th April 2016

And it really did snow and hail and blow. 
One of the coldest walks this year.
Out from Roborough to pastures new. 
Down the tracks and lanes through Woolwell. 
To the woods and the viaducts.
Right down to the Plym.
Where we paused for a cuppa.
Then, inevitably, up, up to Bickleigh Bridge.
And the Princetown Laira tramway.
To find our way back.
Past the site of the eco-village.
To the Lopes Arms.

WW 20th April 2016

'im and 'er set off from Heathfield Down.
On a very wild and blustery evening.
Up to Penn Beacon where a beacon awaited.
Unfortunately they were matchless.
So back.

TWW 19th April 2016

What a place!
So much to see
On a beautiful Spring day
The sun certainly had as we set off
Down to the river
Through the ramsons
By the daffodils
And so many primroses
To explore the mines
Brick works
The canal
The bridge
And on
Wonderful views
Out over our moor
Round the bends
Up, up and up again
By the back lanes
Even more mines
And back
To the Rising Sun
Most pleasant

PS Here are Dianne's Pictures.

WW 13th April 2016

Very quiet at Longash !
Mistle thrushes flew from trees. Stripey faced sheep grazed urgently.
And a strange sky mountain loomed within the sunset.
You have to be there.

TWW 12th April 2016

A wonderful day’s walk in perfect conditions atop Burrator Reservoir with the spring buds about to pop and the first lambs playing poker in the fields. Norsworthy, then Crazy Well, Cramber and the small soggy pool beyond. Coffee there – with skylarks soaring above. Then downhill to the river and the exercise of democracy on a sunny mid-morning. Thus west along the river up into the old tin workings,  past the old farm and all back in time for a crowded lunch in the sunshine outside the Royal Oak. Only cloud ? The Burrator carnage being created by forestry lorries and the new car park ( ??? ) going in by Lowery overlooking the northern shore. Blimey ! 
That can’t be right, surely ??

WW 6th April 2016

Out from Belstone and round the tors to the Tors.

TWW 5th April 2016

The sticky buds are out, someone saw a swallow - spring must be well on its way.
As we set out from Prince Hall. Down by the Dartmoor Training Centre which was looking very smart. Some could recall visits. Across the lovely bridge and up the lane to Rue Lake. Down by the settlement near John Bishop's House before turning up the Dartmoor Way. Lots of evidence of recent swaling as we turned down to the Swincombe. Past the 3 stones and along the track to Fairy Bridge for a nice cuppa. No sign at all of the fairy now - must be a project. Past Gobbet Crazing Mill with its amazing mortar stones, mould stone and grinding stones. Round by Sherberton to admire the logs. And back over the hill to Prince Hall.
Where we all enjoyed a most civilised luncheon.

You really do have to be there ...
