WW 29th September 2021


Michaelmas. On 29 September, a Christian festival that celebrates this time of year when the harvest should be gathered in. It was also of tenants who couldn't afford their rent trying to bribe the landlords (farmers) with the gift of a goose. Hence all the goosey fairs that occur in October!

So on Michaelmas evening the usual group set out from Magpie Bridge straight up under the elegant viaduct, very overgrown since last seen. Over to Uppaton Lane in a rather roundabout way and then down to find an unknown path crossing two fields arriving at an old track/lane, another surprise. On through the woods and out on to one of many lanes to Buckland Monachorum at long ash car park, never seen it so empty!!

Then it was a quick break on one the many benches so thoughtfully provided by some kind person and then taking diagonal path through head high bracken we finally found ourselves on the truly awful track to Grenofen Bridge.

The decision then to take higher back path following the river was probably not the best. It was not as I remembered it 10years ago. There were traps, fallen trees, treacherous ledges, quite an adventure in fact.

But as always after a bit of a trek we found our non eco cars and gratefully fell in to them.
All were safely gathered in! 😜

TWW 28th September 2021


Dark skies collected and forecast for light showers did not seem quite matched.

Heading from Bowling Green towards Shaugh Prior we hardy four decided a quick peek into St Edward's was a wise dry sanctuary. Lovely 15th C carved wood font.
Up along Brag Lane past the old hedgerow cross and up to Shaden Moor cross.
Over the road and a search for stone rows amongst some lovely hut circles.  Skies darkened again and we headed up to the shelter of Saddlesborough Tor for a coffee break, and the trig point provided a photo stop !!
Skies darkened even further as we headed towards Hawks Tor and then on to Collard Tor and features of interest. Down into the "badlands" around Wotter Head and its then out along the old tramway track.
The mysterious Blackalder Tor revealed itself after lunch and the puzzling buildings by the tramway remain a puzzle. Maybe an incline keeper's bell tower and a drum keeper's house. Blackalder Tor and Higher Blackalder were delightful even in torrential rain.
So were Lee Moor Village views from the track. Lovely back gardens and an interesting range of buildings and sheltering sheep.
Down now to Lee Wood, it's evasive footpath and secret remnants of tramway, pipe way and valley crossing. 
As we passed through Wotter the skies darkened even further and we hastened our steps past Moorland Hotel and RAF Hawksmoor. The biggest drenching of the day past Beatland Cross socket stone and back down towards Bowling Green.
Light showers ?? Glad they weren't heavy !!

WW 22nd September 2021


The equinox and the last of the summer sun. 

Out from Pork Hill and steadily up Cox as the sun set over our shoulders. Down by the thufurs to the dew pond and the neat track to Roos. A fine spot for a cuppa and a fine sighting of the ISS soaring overhead. Across to Great Staple as the sunset turned the western sky bright gold. Middle Staple called slowly emerging from the easing light as the wonderful Harvest Moon rose. By Little Staple and a winding track down across the road to bend back to the cars. On to a quiet Whitty where, apart from the sanitisers, all was normal. A very fine equinoxial evening to enjoy the last of the sunlight for a few months.

TWW 21st September 2021


Power to TWW

We all managed to meet more or less at 10am on a cloudless and sunny day, Summer is hanging on! Powering down, over leats, passing a group of very large cows, lots of steaks there!! Apologies for any offence taken.
Following the path past Combestone Farm, over the pretty Aller Brook footbridge and onto the lower path through the woods following the pipeline from Swincombe reservoir to Venford. Lovely through there with tantalising glimpses of Dartmeet and tors galore on the other side
Down towards the waterworks and the twinkling Venford Brook for a refreshment break. We were lucky enough to have real nature lesson, buzzards, grey wagtail many emperor dragonflies defending their territories and hundreds of small fish, (trout?) next years lunch maybe? Yummy!

Powering on and upwards to the wonderfully scenic Bench Tor, utterly glorious, and then, of course, back down again! To the road to Holne and off again to follow a small winding stream, did someone say it was the leat? The man who specialises in bullseye stones found another one, bet that one's not on the map! Further on to follow the Sandy Way where we had a close encounter with a snipe before we devoured the contents of our lunch boxes. Some of us were starving!

Lunch gave us the power to power up towards Holne Ridge this time bypassing the interesting remains of Ringleshutes mine. Everyone relaxed, power gone, all downhill towards Horn's Cross, ye old meeting place for farmers to claim their sheep off the moors, scuttling fast, past Hangman's Pit, and back to our power driven cars!
A lovely day out, I reckon.


WW 15th September 2021


Another fine, mild, autumnal evening where the flirties were out in abundance. Along Joey's and past Maiden and the steady pull up to Sheepstor as the sun melted away. Down, down by Rough Tor plantation and the sharp descent to Deancombe. The refurbished track is holding up very well. Through the easing bracken and out to check on the snakes - nothing there. Round and about under Down, by Little Down to Snappers. A few folk at Norsworthy but very few on these soft evenings. The track by Sheepstor back to Joey's. Rather late but some hope of glow-worms - not one. And back. A very nice gentle evening.

TWW 14th September 2021


The sun was shining brightly as we left home, but by the time we reached our rendezvous near OP 22 on the Okehampton Range, the clouds were gathering, and it was not long before the splendid views of the northern tors were shrouded in mist.  Undeterred, we set off south along the military road, before turning off, and heading down hill to Henry’s Ford.  Despite the usual grumblings about water crossings, all safely crossed the East Okement River, and we made our way uphill to the ridge.  Along to Oke Tor.  Sadly, there was no one selling refreshments from the kiosk, (and no horse in the stable), so we pressed on westward, back across the East Okement and up to East Mill Tor (stopping near the summit for a brew). Over the top of East Mill Tor, then down to New Bridge to pick up the track towards Dinger Tor.  On reaching the Okehampton Parish Boundary, we veered away from the track, and after squelching through some boggy terrain picked up a path that led to the top of High Willhays, and a chance to stop for lunch.  By the time lunch had been consumed, the mist had lifted, and the sun was scorching us through a gap in the clouds.  Along the ridge to Yes Tor (where another group of walkers were enjoying a lunch stop), then a north-east course to West Mill Tor.  From here we dropped down to the Target Railway, then across Black-a-ven Brook, and a final short climb back to the cars.


WW 8th September 2021


Very welcoming, just like normal, except; no Axminster, no round table and Bill's chair has gone - although Bill did turn up. All in all very nice if a bit too clean - and they could have kept a picture of Henry.
Looked very promising after the thunder and lightning, patches of blue, mast clear ... But the true Dartmoor promise was fulfilled as the cloud gently descended as we left Devil's Elbow. Along the rifle range to Hart, still very, very warm. Down by the big stone and easily across to pull up to Cramber. Lots of mums and babies out and about enjoying the soft evening weather. Over the leat to Crazy Well - no wild swimmers. By the cross and along the bumpy lane to Older Bridge for a nice cuppa. Technically the sun had well set but there was still plenty of light penetrating the gloop. More bumpety bump up and along the main drag - always seems a long way. Shapes appeared out the mist - more mums and toddlers. Always nice to just walk in a small bubble of light, apparently of our own making, as the cloud sat on us. Eventually, eventually South Hessary did magically appear then down and back to the lights of Princetown.
The ever reliable Prince of Wales was a welcome sight and the pint of Legend even more so.
A real nice evening to be out on our moor, just as it should be.

TWW 7th September 2021


6 River Crossings and only 2 Bridges!
Another scorcher on Dartmoor, but much quieter than on Monday, (some cycling race), so we almost had the moor to ourselves. Leaving Dunnabridge Pound, following 6 youngsters who were obviously out to camp later in the
day. Were they taking part in this years Ten Tors, which because of Covid is open to teams to complete by October on their home territory? It was good to see them out and about. 
It was down to the West Dart to cross the 1st of the stepping stones, where the water was just ankle deep, and then on to the 2nd set on the Swincombe just below Sherberton. As we started the climb up to Hexworthy one of our number realised that the climb was a little easier than normal, he’d left his rucksack at the car! As he returned to collect his lunch we carried on to The Forest Inn, unfortunately too early for coffee but good to see it is operating again.
Coffee taken at Hexworthy Bridge where there were a number of people sunbathing and enjoying themselves in the river and Fern just had to join them.
It was then up and over to Dartmeet where the Chalet was open so Coffee, Iced Tea and Ice Creams were the order of the day enjoyed by the river whilst we  waited for our missing member and it was decided to have lunch whilst we had the shade. 
Then it was time to follow the East Dart up to the clapper bridge below Babeny, but with the water being so low a quick step across the stream by the stepping stones before Brimpts farm was in order. It was disappointing to see the woodland fenced off with 3 rows of barbed wire! Out via Brimpts, past the saw mill and out on the open moor heading for the Long Stone. A distinct path which must have been the access from the farm to the mine in years gone by. On reaching the track from Laughter Hole Farm it was then down hill back to the cars.
Tylo and Fern’s last walk with us for the time being as Tylo starts his apprenticeship next week, good luck to him, we will miss them both.
Peter M

WW 1st September 2020

 It was just me and ‘im set off from Zoar down to New Bridge for a lovely evenings stroll along one of my favourite bits of the Tavy. We had wonderful river views, smooth rock ledges, waterfalls and deep pools, maybe a summer swim walk? Certainly a spring flower hunting walk. We collected seeds from Devils bit scabious and Great Burnet for sprinkling on our wild bit of garden at home. Lots of different ferns the huge Royal fern and tiny maidenhair spleenwort, such a contrast in size.

There are hidden tors covered in lichen. So much to explore in this little bit of the river. You really had to be there.
Sorry no photo, we both forgot our phones!

You really do have to be there ...
