WW 23rd September 2009

Something different - Anti-clockwise from Bennett's Cross! Oooooer!

Up the Down (Challacombe) to a Tiny Tor.
"Never been here before" This time it was true for most.
Down the Down to a Big Hole.
"Never been here before". Again, true for most.
Down the Big Hole to a big, big barbed wire fence.
Some glided over it with elan like an elan. Others didn't.
Back to cars and W.H. Inn via Birch.
Discussed new programme.
Decided - This year's carol singing will include either the full four-part version of the Messiah or Away in a Manger in unison.
Auditions and rehearsals soon. Eat your heart out Gareth Malone.
Decided - No invitation to be sent to the Pope.

You really do have to be there ...
