WW 27th January 2010

Off they went.
The Magnificent Seven.
(The Old One, the Big One, the Young One, the One with all the Clever Things, the Thirsty One, the Creative One and the Vintnerising One.)
Boulters Tor car park,
Godsworthy (Higher and Lower)
Dogs and dogs …. and dogs.
Roos (Yes! Anti-clockwise – most uncommon!)
And then………
The Old One led off the tor with his Artificial Aid to Navigation.
The Big One, bi-sticked and long of legs, took over.
Down and down they plunged.
But, the Young One, with his brand-new Silver Boots and his wife’s brilliant Christmas present, said “Halt!”
His fresh, young and sensitive cheeks had detected, in the wind, an error in direction.
The Old One rechecked his Artificial Aid and nodded sagely.
The Big One loped back and off they went again, slightly chastened, in the opposite direction.
The One with three Artificial Aids to Navigation, in the meantime, wisely kept his counsel and his head down in the face of the driving wind and rain.
Wall corner, Stevens Grave and back.
The Thirsty One, fresh from the piste, was very happy to reach the P.T. Inn.
As was the Creative One and the Vintnerising One.

You really do have to be there ...
