WW 31st March 2010

John, Jon, Michael and Mike set out from Combestone Tor
In the wind and the snow - my it was raw
Michael hit a tree and fell to the ground
With great concern all gathered round
"What a nasty gash" they declared with great glee
It's off to A&E for thee
So they kindly pushed him in his car
and with a smile and a wave said "Tara"
To Bench Tor they headed, wind at their backs
Happily sheltering in the lee of their rucsacs
Then down, down, down to the Dart
That crashed and roared giving them quite a start
Then on they stumbled - there must be a way
Without a path how they did stray
Finally they clawed their way up the hill
With snow blowing hard, such a thrill
To the cars and on to the Inn
And they were really surprised when someone was in
There concluded an eventful night
For those that were there, but not those who only might.

You really do have to be there ...
