WW 25th May 2011

So instead of thrashing from tor to tor a more informed walk around the reservoir to see the things you might not normally see. From the dam down to the River Meavy across the weir back up the other side through the bluebells in the woods (now well past their best) to Burrator Tor. This Tor doesn't even get a mention on the map.Then down to the road to the reservoir. On to a disused farm.. .with an apple crusher and granite troughs nearby and a place for extracting the grain using the wind. The water level is very low and we followed a road normally covered by water to the weir at the end of the reservoir. The good news is that South West Water are confident there will not be any shortages or restrictions. This means of course that they must have loads of water somewhere else (but not in any Dartmoor reservoirs)! Next around the north of the reservoir and back once more to fairyland with a toadstool and chairs carved from whole tree trunks. Through the woods again to an old road called Wembly Way. This used to go through the reservoir but is now a place where various items are kept from places flooded by the water. And then on to the Royal Oak.

You really do have to be there ...
