WW 26th October 2011

What us, the most mild group you could ever meet, the quietest, most understanding, broad minded, liberal and charitable. No one would ever dare call any of us intolerant. But you do have to admit that there just happen to be some really annoying people out there, who make steam come out of your ears. There are those who communicate for the sole reason that they will be heard. But there are worse, there are people who think that they can go about their business each and every Wednesday evening doing exactly what they like week after week, year after year, inflicting it on others. Who are these people,why can't they be more like us and quietly tolerate the rich diversity of life. Oh, and that is without all those frogs a certain person secreted about their person and dropped on the path so the unsuspecting would slip and fall, not once but three or more times. Just who do these people think they are?

You really do have to be there ...
