WW 6th February 2013

12. And lo, so, verily, as it is written here, they did follow him, out into the wilderness, and the wind did blow mightily cold, and they trod where he trod and went where he became and they did not, and they were dread with cold, and onward, as he directed.

13. Out to the tor of the Kings, praise be, where they were goaded and tolded, onward to the place from whence stone has been hewn, where a warming drink was imbibed.

14. From there they saw a great light and thence they set off although some did tarry and these tarriers were admonished, and although admonished they tarried yet more, and back from whence they had come.

15. And on to that place, where he being of the parish of Sheepstor, issued a decree, that all should be tasked, those that are and those that once were, and all must gather at the appointed time and in the appointed place.

16. And so it will be, when the day is accomplished and must be or his wrath will be upon them and they shall surely suffer.

You really do have to be there ...
