WW 21st August 2013

Goodness me it really is hot! For an evening walk quite remarkably hot. How often do you walk in the hot dark? So out from Two Bridges on a hot evening. Out past Crockern and winding up to Littaford. Hotly on to Longaford where some bivouacers had managed to find damp wood to try to start a fire. Just where do you find damp wood in this hot? Down across the dribbling West Dart and on to lovely Crow Tor. The torches of the red brigade danced over by Lydford Tor as we made our way down and back past Witsman's to the PoW. They were there and also some mad, bold visitor had sat, presumably accidentally, in his chair!

Editors note: Ho Ho Google maps has got two East Darts

You really do have to be there ...
