WW 4th September 2013

Now that really was something quite different. How often do you go to Newbridge car park and find it rammed? Well, like every time of course. But, at 7.30 on a Wednesday evening? They were all there, and I mean all of them, a full set, from everywhere. All absolutely resplendent in their togs, ready to do what they must do. But we didn't do that, we did what we had to do. So we went to the lily pond and then along the Dart. It was very warm, thank goodness. So we trekked until the path disappeared. Then down to the babbling river for a cuppa before the crossing. Out we went to the island and on to the other side. And even the river was warm as someone found out. Then back along the other side in the dark dark. To the Tavistock Inn which was very quaint and very quiet. And on home through the evening mists - with the heater on!

You really do have to be there ...
