Challenge65 - 9th to 13th October 2013

Wednesday 9th Up to Wales for Snowdon on 10th. Arose to clear day which enabled a quick ascent via the PYG Track to that rarest of occasions, a view from the top! A quick descent of the Miners Track and it was off to the Lakes. Friday morning was clear with sunny intervals down in the Langdale Valley but as so often is the case here the tops were covered in low cloud and from Angle Tarn onwards the walk was through mist and cloud and unlike Snowdon there were very few walkers around until I was on my way back as the clouds had started to lift. A Quick pint from the ODG and it was of to Fort William for day 3. Saturday dawned with clear skies and a covering of frost on the car. Our host at the B&B said October was often the best time to climb the Ben for good weather and a less crowded climb. There were plenty of people out though and plenty of encouragement for one another. The top had a light covering of snow and ice but with clear blue skies the views were sensational. Another descent, another pint (Pubs at the end of such climbs are such a good idea) and off to Glasgow to fly to Belfast for the final climb. Sunday morning saw us on the bus to Newcastle for the ascent of Slieve Donard. Not the highest, in fact the lowest but our fellow walkers were definitely the friendliest ( a visit to Northern Ireland should be on every walkers bucket list) again the lower part of the walk was in dry clear conditions but the top was again mist covered and the ascent up the Mourne Wall so steep I was pleased that Kath could not see what was in store as this was the one climb she was doing with me. We lunched on the top and descended to the stile on the ridge as the cloud lifted to give fine views over Newcastle and the rest of the Mournes. That's it until next may when I set off on the Pennine Way.

You really do have to be there ...
