WW 13th August 2014

Planning, planning, planning, and of course, planning. You just have to put in the work and the rewards will come and this evening we left it all on the Moor. Years of sheer graft to synchronise events to produce such a display. Out from Blackaton and Emmett's on a cool evening. To Great Trolsworthy to admire the view. The pull up to Shell Top before sheltering at Penn Beacon for a cuppa. Patience, patience, patience, and of course, patience. And there it was sailing overhead right on time. That would have been enough in itself. A wait, the gentle descent and there they were lighting up the sky, ooh and aah. A full set always has three so the huge moon had to rise. A rush back to the cars, far too late to the Oak but collective pathos ensured a pint.

Oh, and that thing we are not talking about; we are not talking about it.

You really do have to be there ...
