WW 18th February 2015

Makes you think doesn't it? It was observed that there definitely were more of them than us. More worryingly was, if this trend persists, there might be more than twice as many of them than us. And what would that mean?

Out from Four Winds on quite a cooling evening. To explore the stone rows and the standing stone. Round the wall, over Pila Brrok and up to the tree and track. Towards Swell Tor where the London Bridge corbels look so forlorn. Past the window in the blacksmith's workshop - how much longer will it stand? Past the impressive small quarry and out on the track to Foggintor. For a brew trying to evade the wind. Out the other way and perfectly to Hollow. Down, down to Red Cottages and West Mead quarry. And, back to the cars, on on to the Whitty.

You really do have to be there ...
