WW 1st April 2015
And, yes it was definitely light at the start. Such a rich area of the moor to explore. Out from Top Tor car park and down to Shovel Stone, surely a tor in all but name. On to Hollow Tor and Tunhill Rocks. Whittaburrow is very impressive, before following the wall round to beauteous Blackslade Ford. Down to Ruddycleave Bridge and then steadily south to Buckland Beacon and the Ten Commandments Stones. Lots of shiny new barbed wire so a search for a stile to explore Wells Tor and the cairn beyond. The boundary stones form a guide north past Cold East Cross and on to Newham, once an inn. Foale's Arishes never fails to disappoint even in the gloop. To marvellous Pil Tor and back along the ridge to Top Tor. No time for the pub after so much to find and see.
And, it appears that an equally populous party did indeed set out from Belstone. To Cosdon and across Taw Marsh Ford. Getting back to The Tors in time for a pint.
Good job someone did it properly!