TWW 1st March 2016
The first day of Spring and some perfect Dartmoor weather for a predictably unpredictable walk. Out from Postbridge and over the clapper. Then round the ancient lanes. Past the cemetery and out to Merripit where there was evidence of some odd goings on. Popping out on the Widecombe road to head for Runnage. Into Soussons and up to the red barrows. Down, down to take tea at Golden Dagger. Past Dinah's House to Soussons Farm. The windy rain did ease somewhat but never quite gave up. And on to the wonderful Pizwell where the mud did not disappoint. Back to the cars after a jolly good plodge. On to the ever welcoming Two Bridges where lunch awaited as we made our way in our muddy boots across the beautiful carpets - what a nice place. Perhaps, after all, we have attained our rightful station.