TWW 17th May 2016
The Outer Limits. On a grey, misty morning out to find the Staple Tors. On to Roos to enjoy the logan. And down by Wedlake to cross the newtakes to pop out under Wedlake Tor. As the mist gently rolled back. A cuppa at Stephen's Grave and on. To explore the magical Cudlipptown Down. The modern map makers found little of interest - I wonder if they actually went there. The 1888 six inch map does mark some buildings and spoil heaps. The big Hemery makes no mention at all. But there it all was, evidence of buildings, adits, spoil heaps and leats. Lots and lots to see and explore. Round by the leat and then the steady climb to the red flag on Whit. A most interesting part of the moor.
So, if you know what it us, let us know - Ta.