WW 14th September 2016

A true committee walk with lots and lots of interesting things to find. Out from Bennett's Cross as the sun set to admire the wonderful Highland Cattle that grace this part of our moor. Onwards to explore King's Oven, its name derived from the 1240 perambulation, and the truly enigmatic V-stones. Just what can they be: something to do with the warren, a method for getting trucks on the tramway - who knows? Water Hill beckoned then swiftly back by the pub we will not name. Then out, out to explore Soussons Ridge, the amazing gerts and old building. Down the girt variously with huge holes, giant crags and tricky trails. To pop out by Vitifer Mine bridge for a cuppa in the moonlight. Chaw Gully deserved attention as did Challacombe stone row. Swiftly over to Birch and back to the cars as a gentle mist came in. A toot to show our disappointment and on to the always welcoming Prince of Wales. Such an interesting evening with so much to find and see.

You really do have to be there ...
