TWW 29th November 2016
Jolly pleased with themselves, and quite right too as they are pet geese, so no worries about Christmas. Cold in Princetown without a cloud in the sky. Just vapour trails of people rushing about all over the world. When they could have stayed down here in the sunshine with a cool easterly; perfect walking weather. The bus was right on time so we piled in managing to find a seat for the short run down to Merrivale. Where the geese were very pleased to see us and us to see them. Down the track over Little Wonder to the staddle stones at the old farm. Round and up to the true summit of Hucken where the stone basins show what used to be. Over the stile to Little King's then onward to the superb little logan stone. The tramway took us past the corbels to shelter in the lee for a cup of tea. And it really was very warm, so warm there was the risk of a snooze. But no, hectored to proceed to Foggintor in search of the icicles - not a one. The old, old trackway taking us back to a very welcoming and very busy Plume - though they thought we were seven hours early.