TWW 28th February 2017

Bel Tor corner made a fine start for the last winter walk. And winter it certainly was with snow on the tops and a crisp wind. Down to Dr. Blackall's and round by the quarry to Leigh with the sun shining. Steadily down to Spitchwick Common and the beautiful Dart. Canoeists gave us something of a start as we had our cuppas. Past the lodge and the galloping horses to head up through the wood to the Manor. The new house with its amazing cedar shingles really looks fantastic. Pausing at the lovely St. John the Baptist, Leusdon to pay our respects to Dr. Blackall. Nearly to Ponsworthy and the ancient trackway, then the modern road back to the cars. A quick nip down to the Tavistock Inn where the heavens opened. A very nice end to the winter walks - spring tomorrow!

WW 22nd February 2017

Well, as far as can be ascertained nobody went on this walk, no one at all.
So, if you did go then let us know.

TWW 21st February 2017

Oh where, oh where has our leader gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With a miscommunication it would seem…. (oops… don’t think that quite scans)
Oh where, oh where should we go??

After some umming and aahhing and because there was a big red flag and lots of mist one way we went the other!! A very pleasant amble along roads, tracks and open moor.  Stopped for elevenses in the lee of Wheal Jewel and ambled back passing some eggs, a pair of ducks, interesting lumps and bumps and pretty spring flowers.
We decided to give the Elephant a miss and although some couldn’t tell the difference between a Mary and a Peter we all managed to get to Peter Tavy for a very good lunch.

WW 15th February 2017

Quite often, well very rarely and if we are really, really lucky we hear the whirring of the wings and the characteristic peeping of the alarm call as they swoop away. And then, if daylight, we see them as they sweep away low to the ground. This evening, on one of those evening's that are not over-promising, you know the sort of evening when you really must get out there; with the mist swirling, visibility a couple of yards, when the giant (I mean giant) army lorry is a bit lost and needs help; this evening, there it was just sitting on the track with time enough to admire and even get a snap. What a huge treat!
And from then on it all went gently up hill. Those pesky piskies had been out moving the tors around. I don't blame them it must be lots of fun watching those silly 'umans wandering here and there. 
From Yellowmeade to Hollow, somewhere near Rundlestone and over the road. Up the long, long track that marks the ancient bounds, past the finger stones that can never be found - pesky piskies. To take a cuppa under the gentle red flash of Great Mis. Of course we had to go to the pan. Down, down with pesky piskies about moving stuff and placing elusive bogs and feather beds to the cars.
On to the Plume, a proper pub, where it transpired that the evening of the 15th February 2017 was very, very significant. A detailed poll of everyone and subsequent data analysis proved as an irrefutable fact that absolutely nobody was going to work the next day - Fact!

TWW 14th February 2017

We wandered lonely in the cloud - until she got the hang of where we were going. Yes it was one of those wonderful Dartmoor days – mist, drizzle and gloom.  Anyway we went down and up to find the Tor with the brass memorial plaques that turned out to be much smaller than expected.  Then on, down, over the hidden clapper bridge. Up and around, passing some lovely old Dartmoor longhouses.  Stopped for a cuppa in a very salubrious car park.  Then down for a Splash and a very splashy squelching trek up beside the river, pausing to admire the grumbling shed – it produces enough power for 90 houses you know!
Onwards and upwards - more splendid farm houses -  to the wonderful tree with the cross with the niche in it.   Up again to the hidden gem of the forbears of long houses, that were abandoned by 1350.  Some waited for an apparition and the misty ruins certainly suggested some lost soul should appear to impart old wise words – but sadly none did. 
Back to the cars and down to the Inn that you must book a table but actually you can’t! – Very nice lunch though.  Apologies to Stella for stealing her walk!

WW 8th February 2017

We set out from Princetown on a crystal clear evening with hardly any breeze. Along the Eylesbarrow track past South Hessary and then turned right in search of the little pool. We didn't find the pool but it was very wet under foot. Onto Cramber Tor trig point before going on to Cramber pool. The Tor was next where we had a short break and then down and up to Hart Tor. Past the old artillery range, across the road and up to the railway line to return.

TWW 7th February 2017

No, no, no, far, far, far too much information! Talk about a conversation stopper! Just what is going on? I mean, out for a nice walk on a nice day with nice people - and then ...
All best forgotten, I know I have - mind you jolly funny. Even the toppers were well topped!
A long, long, long way from anywhere at all for anyone at all. Out from Trendelbere as the sun shone to Yarner Down woods, all very pretty. Round the bend. Now whose daft idea was that? I mean the plan was for a sensible walk on a sunny day. But no, oh no, uppety uppety, uppety up to find some stones. As if we haven't seen stones ever before - I mean, just what is going on? Right to the ridge line with fantastic views and truly wonderful stones - 1858 don't you know? So down and along seeking them out. Quite rightly John's could not be found - serves him right! 
Popping out for a cuppa and along what must be the best bit of the tramway. Round the Templar Way to the other side of the wood. To head steadily, and quite gently up, to catch the road and back to the cars - eventually.
To the very welcoming Kestor Inn which seemed to have stayed open just for us.
A most educative and interesting day.

WW 1st February 2017

Not as wet and wild as expected; all still to come I guess. Out from Dunnabridge and up the track. To the forest gate and turning upwards to Laughter. Down, down to the bottom track then a recent and most welcome tractor trail back to Brimpts Mine where the whim pool shone in torchlight. Down the gert then across to seek the edge of the pound. The wall provided shelter from the steadying rain for a cuppa before we nipped to Huccaby Tor. Round the walls on a decent track, past the rabbit, back to the main track, the cars and the PoW.

You really do have to be there ...
