TWW 7th February 2017

No, no, no, far, far, far too much information! Talk about a conversation stopper! Just what is going on? I mean, out for a nice walk on a nice day with nice people - and then ...
All best forgotten, I know I have - mind you jolly funny. Even the toppers were well topped!
A long, long, long way from anywhere at all for anyone at all. Out from Trendelbere as the sun shone to Yarner Down woods, all very pretty. Round the bend. Now whose daft idea was that? I mean the plan was for a sensible walk on a sunny day. But no, oh no, uppety uppety, uppety up to find some stones. As if we haven't seen stones ever before - I mean, just what is going on? Right to the ridge line with fantastic views and truly wonderful stones - 1858 don't you know? So down and along seeking them out. Quite rightly John's could not be found - serves him right! 
Popping out for a cuppa and along what must be the best bit of the tramway. Round the Templar Way to the other side of the wood. To head steadily, and quite gently up, to catch the road and back to the cars - eventually.
To the very welcoming Kestor Inn which seemed to have stayed open just for us.
A most educative and interesting day.

You really do have to be there ...
