TWW 7th March 2017

Paul came all the way from London, just to open the lovely St. Petroc's - so kind. Only to find soggy walkers already inside having a nice cuppa. The bells are 600 years old and the brass memorial is to the Speaker of the House of Commons from Elizabeth I, how amazing is that!
Out from Ivybridge on a coolish and somewhat moist morning. Slight mud took us onto Henlake Down to the trig point and onward. Hanger Down Clump stood out as we made our way to Hall Cross. A bit of road and we crossed the Erme to the church - really fantastic. Our dutiful guide had even made arrangements for it to be unlocked. Most walked back along the road but the special one was granted special access to a special track to avoid the tarmac. For the rest, non-specials, down what must be an ancient lane to wend to the Erme to admire the BS and stone with a cup. And back to the cars and on.
To the Trehill Arms (previously The Bridge Inn ) which did not disappoint. Smartly rustic with stone walls and cosy fires. Pies, pints and doorstop sandwiches consumed with pleasure. And everyone had a mug of chips...even Amber ! 
An asset to Ivybridge and a lure for more walks !!

You really do have to be there ...
