TWW 20th June 2017
Yes, there is intelligent life on the moor in this heat.
And there they were sheltering in the shade.
But we humans know a lot better.
Proper Mad Dog weather to head out from Combestone.
And on to Horn's Cross, up and over.
Through the cotton grass to Hapstead's for a cuppa.
The gully and Mardle Head guided us to Ryder's.
Where another group of mad dogs joined us.
Down, down through the beautiful grass.
Gently weaving in the wind just like the sea.
To Low's Shaft and Hooten Wheals before finding an old leat.
Carefully navigating the orchid groves.
And a track to guide us back to the cars.
The well refurbished Forest Inn provided a goodly lunch.
And then, on to the Dart for a cooling swim and ice cream.
A nice way to spend the day.