WW 8th November 2017

A very fine evening for a walk; good visibility and almost no wind. Out from Yellowmeade with its shiny yellow sign. By Red Cottages to West Mead Quarry to admire the gloopy pool and on to the powder store. Onward by Four Winds to the fantastic stone rows and long stone. Neatly round the enclosure and over the Pilla Brook to make the steady climb to King's. A superb, windless vantage point for a cuppa looking out to the Eddystone. The ridge led us on to make the exciting descent into Swelltor and a nice scramble out. There was plenty of time to enjoy the full tour of Foggintor and then the tramway back to the cars. On to the PoW where only the faintest hint of what is to come was visible.

You really do have to be there ...
