TWW 18th December 2018

As the Two Bridges geese made a wise and steady move towards shelter, the Tuesday Eight crossed the rain and windswept road and joined the little footpath alongside a fully flowing Cowsic River. Over stiles and rocks and rivulets. Over and under fallen trunks and branches. In and out of treacherous mud. Over the clapper bridge and then the leat and up into the full force of the storm to Holming Beam and the cheer of mincepies with a cuppa.
Down the black slimey track to the footbridge and a thankful cancellation of Plan A. Beardown Tors to be left for another day, just the tussock grass to conquer and eventually to the track and hopeful faces of the Beardown cattle herd. 
Marching soggily lunchwards and cheerful discussion did we enjoy ourselves ? Yes ! 
And did our waterproofs keep us dry ?
Er, no, not everyone, and if yes, not everywhere !!

You really do have to be there ...
