TWW 10th September 2019

Second Tuesday in September - so off we go to Widecombe Fair all along down along ...
From Firth Bridge on a really lovely morning with a cooling breeze, fluffy clouds and lots of sunshine. Up to Grimspound, through and out. Up to Hameldown Tor then the long, long, long descent along the ridge - only really noticeable on the return! By all the burrow barrows, Kingslade Tor, Stoneslade Tor and down by the windy path so full of luscious blackberries. The super steep hill talking us all the way to the familiar sound of the organ and the fair. Busy, busy, busy with everything just in its place. So much to see and eat; Austin Sevens parading in the ring, Field Marshalls on display, sawing timber, sheep, cattle, wonderful live music, old lorries, beer, hogs roasting, coffee, crepes, pony displays, great big tractors, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, dog show, children racing and of course the ferret racing. For me, as always, it is the local craft and produce stall that is the star.
Such wonderful weather for their fair - then the long, steady pull back ...

You really do have to be there ...
