TWW 12th November 2019

And not a single drop fell - on us. As the rainbow shone to the north out from Blackaton Cross. (Emmet's Post is now well, well gone, all that is left is a huge big hole.) Across the Blacka Brook to the fantastic double stone row and on to Trowlesworthy. Dark clouds appeared on the north horizon but all seemed to scoot round us - mind you it was jolly cold! To Hen for a nice sheltered cuppa. Onward and upward toward the trig point and along the ridge to Shell Top. Beautiful views out to sea and all over the moor. The true scale of the china clay works hove into view. Some parts are now grassed over while the water jet is working elsewhere. Round and down by Big Pond; not at all inviting for a swim today. Back to the cars to the Royal Oak which was super busy but soon emptied when we arrived. Our nice luncheon arrived very smartly.
A lovely wintry feeling day to be out on the moor.

You really do have to be there ...
