WW 8th April 2020
The lovely purple toothwort never disappoints and it thrives down on the Tamar. (This picture taken by Mike near his home.)
It would have been a really lovely evening to set out from Tamar Trails. To take the steep track down to Bedford United Mine and admire the barred shaft. Down, down and along the dismantled railway hiding in the woods to pick up the main drag. Over the gate and to the river - not over sure we should be here - no matter because we aren't. And this is where the hunt begins and there will be lots and lots of it as soon as you 'get your eye in' as my dear mother used to say. Worth hugging the river a fair old way now although the path is a bit indistinct. To round the bend by Wheal Frementor and pop up to the track through Blanchdown Wood. Uppety up by Wheal Fanny and then nice time for a cuppa and what is definitely the best swing in the whole wide world. Over to the chimney and through the tips where nothing grows. By the calciners to study the information in the old mine office. And now amazingly a really clean, clear, wide concrete track. Until recently it was just a great big load of mud. Who cleared it and why - let's hope it is still clear when we get back. To potter down and back to the cars. In such perfect time (when you are not there) to make our way to Chip Shop - it will always be the Chipshop Inn to us!
PS well worth getting the map from Beech Cafe.