WW 6th May 2020

Tired of all those tiring hills?
Tired of huffing, puffing and chuffing up and down wherever you go - moors and mountains?
Well, we have just the place for you - come to Yelverton Fun Land!
All the bumps and rises have been carefully levelled off and if there is even the slightest ditch bridges are provided.
Fun Land has been carefully split into separate legs, shorter legs are provided for Ladies (Ed. I am not too sure about this ...) or those of you with short legs.
Precise distances for each leg are on a lovely clear sign and a nice gentle down slope to start so you can see where you have to go.
At the end of each leg there is usually a seat and even a litter bin to drop your snack wrappers.
We also provide a beautifully manicured area for a nice sit sit for a cuppa and, what's more, holders so your flask does not tip over. 
So come for a lovely free day out with fantastic views over all those horrible, lumpy, bumpy tors. 
(Half price for those coming under their own steam.)
At the end of your trip come back across the road. 
We have a Club House where we can guarantee a most memorable welcome.
See you there soon ...

You really do have to be there ...
