A short road walk and then up up to the top of Sheepstor where we had some of the clearest views possible, a horizon on the sea much wider than I ever remember. Down and through the prickly fuzes to follow the leat, full of interesting things but no dragonflies today. Next came the wonderful ha-ha type wall. Now I always thought Cornwall started at the Tamar but I was reliably informed that this was it on Yellowmead Down. And what a lot of work must have gone into making it. A short stop for coffee and to our surprise a lady appeared looking for Tavistock and somewhere to buy bottled water!! Up to Eylesbarrow then down to Combshead Tor for lunch. A quick look at the stone row and the fascinating reversing stone, then Down Tor and a visit to the slow worms still hiding under their shelters. Back to the cars and on to a very busy Royal Oak (for some) - perfect.