TWW 8th September 2020

And, yes the forecast was for cloud, just a bit surprised to find that the top of ground was higher up than the bottom of the cloud. All made for a most atmospheric tour of some of the farms and caves at Burrator. Lots and lots to see of the farms that were 'cleared' when the reservoir was built. So round and about we went along all sorts of tracks and trails on a very mild morning. Firstly in and out Narrator Brook to the ford at Combshead for a nice cuppa. Up and over by Hingston stone row where we actually saw some soldiers busy navigating - perfect weather for it. Down to Newleycombe where we were in the mist last Wednesday to the farm for a spot of lunch. Rather too meanderingly round to Crazywell (Classywell?) and on. Through the woods to Keaglesborough mine and cave. A few more folk about by now and then, out of the sky no less, the sun suddenly popped out - MY it was warm! So finally to the cave, farm and fogou at Lethertor and down to the cars. Care taken to leave a few farms and perhaps some more caves for later.

You really do have to be there ...
