TWWs 2nd March 2021


VIrtual walking group leave Lowery Carpark , admiring benchmark on post and set off beside the much repaired wall at the edge of the woods. Across to the PCWW stone and then down to the (pictured) ANDY stone. Can you see ANDY ?

Along by the woods to the only remaining boundary stone for the iron mine. Steeply down to the railway.  Rare stone at gateway. Maybe a scramble to Yelverton Reservoir past the water shute and on to the road.
Quick peek at items at Discovery Centre then down to the lake shoreline and various features until we reach our coffee stop at Norsworthy. Plenty of farm and mill ruins and a C stone here. Up through the woods to the leat and follow lanes and leat back to the carpark.
One real day soon.

And many thanks to this week's wonderful contributors: Peter M, Phil, Sandra, Anne, Jane, Jon, Liz, Michael and Peter C

You really do have to be there ...
