TWW 18th May 2021


A really special walk as Jon and Luna saw us off before crabbing, and TERRY DID THE WHOLE WALK for the first time!!

Nine of us intrepid walkers set off from Bere Ferrers in drizzle. We passed the old well and the church (beautiful on the inside, not as attractive outside) on our way up to the station, under the railway bridge to the muddy fields. By the time we reached Weir Quay, the sun was out and we had coffee by the quay (and the hideous new building…). We continued through Hanging Woods, across the width of the peninsula and down through the woods, where we stopped for lunch amongst the bluebells (and Terry and Liz managed to fall off their perch). Then on to the Tavy and back to the pub at Bere Ferrers, sadly closed until the next day!

It was a nine mile walk approximately and Terry never stopped walking, talking and joking- what a hero!


You really do have to be there ...
