We met in Bedford car park. Seven of us put up umbrellas and headed out for a very short walk in torrential rain to the URC Church in Russel Street to watch a film called incidentally, Thank You For The Rain. It was made by a young Swedish women working for Christian Aid who wanted to show the human cost of climate change in Kenya. Kisilu, a smallholder farmer filmed the life of his family and the devastating changes brought about by climate change. Long periods of drought followed by storms that destroyed his crops and house leaving his family with little to eat. He was an amazing ambassador for his community trying to educate his neighbours by setting up groups to encourage them to plant trees. He was taken to a COP meeting in Sweden only to be disappointed by the lack understanding and action of the world leaders.
I was left feeling shamed and embarrassed that we have so much and they are loosing what little they have. I guess we can only do what we can, recycling, eco this and that but it seems so little.
Hey Ho! We all went to the pub for a cheap Spoons beer and a jolly good chat and felt much better about it all.