What a truly magical evening.
As we arrived in the car park the Wolf Moon was gently rising by Little Staple. It was rather shy at first but still gave us plenty of light to follow the track to Little on to Middle and up to Great. A small wibble and on to Roos - always a fine spot for a cuppa with views afar. Round the track and by the mine to Beckamoor Dip. And then, as we threaded our way through the thufurs up to Cox, the skies cleared and all the stars shone out. Particularly impressive was Orion, along the belt to Aldebaran and to the totally wonderful Seven Sisters. No need for torches to slowly wend our way back to the cars.
On to the ever reliable Whitty - but it was shut. Never mind The Market Inn will oblige, but it was shut as well - just what is going on? So more on to the Spoons - open as ever. For a most pleasant pint of Ruddles for 99p. Now just why are those other pubs shut? A mystery to me ...