WW 5th October 2022


Who says there is never anything new on a Wednesday walk? Well there you go, how about Maple Pigs in Blankets crisps for you!

A fine evening under a big waxing gibbous to set out on Whitchurch Down. Searching in all the right places but no signs of them - never mind. Always the promise of the ISS overhead. But no sign of that either - then Eagle Eyes spotted something else. Just what could it be? Fainter than the ISS and a different track. Turns out it was SpaceX 5 carrying five more astronauts to the ISS. Already seven there so it must be a bit crowded. Onward by Plaster Down and the cut through lane to Shorts Down. As usual a bit of a wander to find the fantastic drift lane heading to Middlemoor. Popping out and up back to the down. Treading delicately over the golf course to Pixies Cross, a really wonderful old cross. Back to the cars to the welcoming Whitty for some new crisps - 'im always likes daft crisps. And a drink in a really amazing glass - so what to do? Well ask the nice barmaid and she gave it to a very grateful recipient - how kind.

You really do have to be there ...
