TWW 29th November 2022


Like an opening scene of a past spaghetti western, today’s magnificent seven set off from the Willsworthy Rifle Range carpark for a walk through a deserted setting where lots of bullets are usually the order of the day. No firing thankfully today – I did check first!

Following the tarmacked road, we headed upward with lie-down shooting positions cut into the turf on our right that faced distant targets on a normal firing day. Behind the targets is a huge sandbank, no doubt with a fair amount of lead awaiting collection one day.

Eventually, we cut right onto a grass and rock path leading ever upward across White Hill with an out-of-sight Walla Brook way down to our left and onward up to Sharp Tor where the amigos stopped for a cuppa and a clear view across near and distant moorland.

The next target after passing across Rattlebrook Hill was Chat Tor with its seemingly unique rock structure compared to other nearby Tors that appeared to have been layered in a distant millennium but still looked stunning in the sunshine. This Tor suddenly prompted a lot of discussions – I don’t know why?

Our picnic was to be on Hare Tor after slightly descending to a flat peaty track. We sat in the warm sunshine to enjoy a brilliant view while we ate, perhaps thinking of the Dartmoor we all enjoy.  

Fuelled up, we set off for Ger Tor and then downward to pick up the Mine Leat that was in deep and silent flow to follow until the Willsworthy Brook Ford that was crossed safely without wet feet.

Now continuing along the track on the other side, we were soon back amongst the rifle range that was being maintained by several civilian workers in orange florescent surcoats to ensure they could be seen in their place of work. I think I’d want that too if I worked there!

Soon we were back on the original tarmac road leading back to the carpark, with a distant stone building up high to our left looking down on the shooting positions. Some say this is an ice cream parlour that never seems to be open or maybe even a general’s observation post, who knows?

Today’s ‘seven’ returned in one piece to the carpark not having to dodge a single bullet after a delightful TWW Dartmoor excursion.


You really do have to be there ...
