Better than likely all things considered.
Out from the Hairy Hand on what promised to be a wild evening. Taking care to obey the big sign warning that 'One match could start a fire'. And a huge notice detailing the work of forestry. Apparently it seems to be all about planting little trees, letting them grow, chopping them down, then starting again. Up the muddy track to the Lych Way corner and onward round the fallen tree. Sharp right on the forestry track to seek out the secret track. Somehow up and out and the gently rising way up to Bellever. Breezy up there but still no sign of rain - views afar. Down to the wall to the tank which was full to the brim and clear clear clear. Round the stile and gate to find shelter for a cuppa. Clear enough to just make out the skyline to head up to Laughter and on to the barbed wire wall. Down down to the forest as the storm started. Windily round to where we seek the nightjars and then West as the rain and wind came in almost exactly as forecast. Somewhat damply back to the cars and on to the Prince of Wales. Where we enjoyed a pint and a full update from Bill on Princetown's goings on - including ideas for a new orchid walk.