Best to have just one clear goal, one objective, just one.
After a very damp, gloomy, gloopy, misty day; out from Lowery Cross in the damp, gloom, gloop, mist. Over Yennadon and roundabout to find the roaring falls. And a chance to take the reservoir path with the water almost lapping at our feet. Quite a novelty with the trees reaching down into the water. Squelchily round and out and up to the super seats for a cuppa. To the leat and along where the promise had been for refurbishment of the muddy path. And well refurbed it has been. All nicely scraped, wide and stony. Rather pleasant to bend back to the cars as the mist steadily got thicker and thicker.
On to a very busy Burrator Inn - quite a novelty after all those beer free evenings.