TWW 30th May 2023


I don’t really agree with driving on the military roads of Dartmoor however with tarmac all the way an exception was made to park above Culliver Steps. There was a chilly wind blowing despite the clear sunny skies so extra layers were donned over summer clothes. Off up a nice little foot track to Rowtor then down and up to West Mill Tor. A stop for coffee in the lee, then greeting a couple of campers hidden in the rocks, it was off up up to Yes Tor for a summit photo. On to High Willhays next where the summit cairn grows ever larger. Due east through what would normally be very boggy ground to meet the Dinger Tor track which we followed to New Bridge. There we found a nice sheltered hollow for lunch. A quick trot up East Mill Tor then a nice grassy track to the military buildings near East Oakment Farm and back to the cars.

Everyone said they thought it was an excellent walk - so that was good.

You really do have to be there ...
